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Study the Status of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Animal Health Services Providers and Propose Guidelines for CPDs

Organization: African Union - InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources
Closing date: 18 May 2021


The African Union’s Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized Technical Office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission. Its mandate is to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources (livestock, fisheries and wildlife) to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the Member States of the African Union (AU). AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the AU Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other stakeholders in the livestock sector.

As part of providing leadership and coordination in the sustainable development of the continent’s Animal Resources, African Union InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is implementing a 5-year project on “Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa - Live2Africa”. Live2Africa project is being implemented by the AU-IBAR and RECs with support from the EU as part of implementation of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDESA). The overall goal of the project is to transform the African Livestock sector for enhanced contribution to socio-economic development and equitable growth. The project’s specific objective is to strengthen the systemic capacity of the continental, regional and National livestock sector stakeholders for the transformation of the livestock sector.

The project has six (six) result areas and result area two (2) in particular, aims at improving animal health Service Delivery in Africa. It is within the same result areas that Live 2 project aims to build capacities of livestock professionals, among them Veterinarians and para-veterinarians, through improvement of Continuing Professional Development (CPDs), in line with Chapter 3 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (TAHC) and in accordance with the OIE PVS critical competency for Continuing Education.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that one gains both formally and informally as they work, and this is done beyond any initial training. A CPD can also be described as a record of what one experiences, learns and then applies. A CPD process helps one to manage his/her own development on an ongoing basis. Contrary to formal trainings which are usually linear, CPDs are basically about widening ones range of transferable skills like leadership, managing projects or organizing information. In particular, CPDs provide a recognised approach to further developing the skills and competencies of veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals that can lead to updating ones professional knowledge and skills, as well meeting the requirement for retention of membership to professional bodies. Whilst many of the Developed countries have formal CPD schemes in place, most livestock service providing personnel working in Africa have no or only limited access to CPD.

Since in most countries, CPDs are provided through Veterinary boards (VSBs), AU-IBAR, wishes to collaborate with these boards amongst other stakeholders, to promote and support initiatives to enhance the quality and quantity of CPD accessible by livestock personnel throughout the Continent.

Objectives of the Consultancy

Overall Objective of the Consultancy

To support decision making for the development of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for animal health service providers.

Specific Objectives of the Consultancy

The specific objectives of this consultancy are to:

  • Undertake a study on the status of CPD deliver in the continent and identify gaps in the approaches currently used to deliver CPD to livestock officers/Veterinarians and para-veterinarians
  • Map the deliverers of CPD in the area of animal health in the continent
  • Make an assessment of the governance of CPDs initiatives in AU Member States
  • Identify good practices for delivery of CPDs in the area of animal health
  • Propose guidelines for development, governance and delivery of harmonised and quality controlled CPD programmes

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

The following are the expected outputs:

  • An inception report including methodology and work plan to undertake related tasks
  • A report on Identified gaps in the approaches currently used to deliver CPD to livestock officers/Veterinarians and para-veterinarians, which will also contain “lessons learnt and best practices’’
  • A Guidelines for the production, curriculum, content, governance, standards, regulation and delivery of harmonised and quality controlled CPD

Approach and Methodology

A consultant will be engaged for 60 days. The assignment will be done mainly through a desk top study. A questionnaire will also be designed and administered to focal persons in each MS, particularly VSBs, to establish gaps in the approaches currently used to deliver CPDs to livestock officers, among them veterinarians and para-veterinarians. Field visits will also be done for one on one interviews with VSBs among other stakeholders. From the Information gathered, the consultant/s will propose guidelines for development of both harmonized and quality controlled curriculum and content for CPDs.

Qualification and Work Experience


The candidate must have a postgraduate degree in any field of Animal sciences.

General Professional Experience

The candidate must have proven 10 years of experience in the animal resources sector and demonstrated experience in conducting similar studies in Africa

Specific Professional Experience

  • Familiarity with global continental and national programmes for the management and delivery of CPD for livestock officers/Veterinarians and para-veterinarians
  • At least 10 years’ engagement with the design and delivery of CPD in Africa.

Other skills and Competencies

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Proven Knowledge and experience of using participatory approaches
  • Proven proficiency in either English and/or French and/or Portuguese.

Duty Stations

The consultant will be home based with travel to specific Member States on specific assignments as agreed with the AU-IBAR Management.

Operational Period of the consultancy

The duration of the assignment will be 60 working days.

Evaluation Criteria

The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the technical quality, experience and competence of the candidates and a Financial Bid/proposal.

Technical and financial offer will have to contain at least the following information”

  1. Introduction
  2. Contacts and addresses of the consultant
  3. Detailed CV
  4. Proposed methodology and approach
  5. Proposed work plan
  6. Estimated budget

Maximum budget for the consultancy

The maximum budget for the consultancy is USD 18,000. AU-IBAR will meet the costs associated with travel and accommodation while on Mission.

How to apply:

Application Deadline

The deadline for the offer is 18th May 2021 and 17.00hrs EAT.

Medical and Travel Cover for Consultant/s

The consultant/s will responsible for their medical and travel insurance cover/s during the duration of the study.

Submission of Applications

Applications including a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) should be submitted through email to: procurement-210427-4@au-ibar.org with a copy to khalid.seid@au-ibar.org

All applicants MUST duly complete, sign and/or stamp the attached DECLARATION ON EXCLUSION CRITERIA Form and submit it together with the application. Any application not accompanied by the duly completed DECLARATION form will be disqualified.

A Personal Data Protection and Privacy Statement is also attached as information for the applicants.

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