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Support Strengthening of the Competitiveness of East Africa’s Regional Dairy Value Chain (Group 1)

Organization: African Union - InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources
Closing date: 11 Dec 2020


The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC). AU-IBAR is mandated to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources (livestock, fisheries and wildlife) to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the Member States of the African Union. AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the African Union Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other sector stakeholders. AU-IBAR’s vision is of an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger.

The AU-IBAR Live2Africa Project (Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa), jointly funded by the European Union and the AUC, is designed to support transformation of the Livestock sector for enhanced contribution to environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, socio-economic development and equitable growth. The Live2Africa Project seeks to deliver catalytic action that will trigger both commercialization and an inclusive livestock sector transformation along selected regional livestock value chains (RLVCs).

To initiate its work on RLVCs, in 2019 the Live2Africa Project undertook a consensus building exercise that brought together a diversity of livestock sector actors to identify, from among already existing priority regional livestock value chains, those that would most benefit from Live2Africa Project catalytic interventions. Six RLVC’s were selected. Eastern Africa (represented by the East African Community (EAC)) selected the regional dairy value chain from a short list that included meat and live animals, dairy and poultry.

Eastern Africa dairy is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors in East Africa, and the leading milk-producing region in Africa. The region boasts some of the biggest dairy producers on the continent including Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In East Africa the dairy sector contributes significantly to AGDP and GDP, to employment and incomes and is crucial for rural development and food and nutrition security. While in-country policy and regulatory reforms and increased investment has contributed to the growth of the sector, a number of production, marketing and trade constraints hinder development. East African countries face similar issues: among them low productivity, with evidence of stagnation, driven by, among other factors, the barriers to access to inputs, notably feeds, which constitute 60% of the cost of production in a landscape of a poorly developed feed industry. There is low formal processing of milk and limited value addition, high waste, and an emerging trend of increasing trade wars in the region.

Addressing some of these bottlenecks, especially along input/supply chains and related to trade, can only be achieved through a harmonized regional approach. The sector has benefitted from general EAC and COMESA regional integration efforts, especially to enhance access to inputs, intra-regional trade and inter-regional trade which grew significantly over the past two decades. Despite the size, importance and potential of East Africa’s dairy sector, there is no specific regional strategy and there is substantial scope for harmonization of policy and regulatory frameworks. The coming into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement, which it is estimated will boost continental trade by 60% by 2025, introduces new dynamics that require a re-imagining and strengthening of regional structures and complementarities, for more coordinated approaches if the region is to leverage its comparative advantages to benefit from the AfCFTA.

Context of the Consultancies

Following the identification of priority RLVC, a Stocktaking Exercise was held, where stakeholders agreed on the specific catalytic interventions for each of the selected priority RLVCs. The stocktaking exercise drew on available information on the RLVC, mapped felt needs in the region, and inventoried existing efforts with a view to reduce duplication of efforts. This facilitated the identification of where and how best the Live2Africa should intervene with catalytic actions to address critical constraints and or upscale specific actions to create momentum to unlock the potential of each of the selected RLVCs.

Three Strategies and commensurate intervention areas selected for the Eastern Africa regional dairy value were:

  1. Strategy 1: Establish an enabling environment for a competitive dairy value chain in the Eastern Africa region. Intervention area identified: The need to develop or strengthen and harmonize policies, legal, regulatory frameworks and dairy quality standards across the region. Activity: Formulation of a harmonized regional dairy value chain development strategy
  2. Strategy 2: Strengthen the capacity of producers, producer organizations and other value chain actors to access input and output markets. The specific area of intervention: To support uptake of socially inclusive business models and environmentally friendly/climate smart dairy technologies innovations and practices. Priority activities were development of Innovative models to upscale commercial fodder, hay and pasture seed production in the Eastern Africa region; and Capacity building of producer groups especially women and youth.
  3. Strategy 3: Enhance value addition and market access for milk and dairy products in the region. The specific area of intervention: Support and strengthen processors and related industry/trade organizations to become competitive in the market. Priority actions were: Strengthen linkages among value chain actors through the 16th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition; and Support investment in market research, product development and diversification.

Overall Aim of the Consultancies

Informed by the felt needs in the Eastern Africa regional dairy value chain, and the specific catalytic activities identified by stakeholders that will contribute to unlocking the potential of the Eastern Africa regional dairy value chain’s competitiveness, the AU-IBAR Live2Africa Project in partnership with the East African Community calls for applicants to present proposals to undertake the following Consultancies listed below:

Lot 1 (individual consultant only)

Value Chain Analysis and Formulation of a Strategy and Action Plans for Development of the Eastern Africa Regional Dairy Value Chain: Call for a Regional Consultant and National Consultants from Member States in the EAC Region: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda: Regional Consultant for USD Six Thousand ($6000) and each of the National Consultants USD Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4,500).

Lot 2 (firms only)

Consultancy Firm to Support the Inaugural Virtual African Dairy Association Conference and Exhibition 2020. One successful proposal will be funded for a maximum of USD Seven Thousand Five Hundred ($ 15,000).

Lot 3 (firms only)

Capacity Building of Members of the African Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness Network East Africa in Investment and Trade Readiness. One successful proposal will be funded for a maximum of USD Fifteen Thousand ($ 15,000).

Lot 4 (firms only)

Development of the Inaugural Africa Dairy Outlook Magazine for publication. One successful proposal will be funded for a maximum of USD Fifteen Thousand ($ 15,000).

Each Consultancy will be guided by Specific Objectives and Tasks and deliver on Expected Outputs as outlined below. Applicants are allowed to apply for multiple Lots, but separate applications must be made for each Lot applied for. AU-IBAR reserves the right not to select any proposal if none are deemed suitable.

Specific Objectives, Structure, Tasks and Expected Outputs for Each Consultancy Lot

Lot 1: Value Chain Analysis and Formulation of a Strategy and Action Plans for Development of the Eastern Africa Regional Dairy Value Chain

Lot 1 Specific Objectives:

Characterization of the Eastern Africa regional dairy livestock value chain and formulation of a harmonized regional Strategy and regional and country Action Plans to boost the growth and competitiveness of the Eastern Africa Regional Dairy Value Chain. The Characterization, Strategy Formulation and Action Plan development will be guided by the following four questions:

  1. What is the structure and character of the dairy value chain in each country, the trends over the last 15 – 20 years and emerging issues; and what are the linkages, functionalities and inter-dependencies with the regional dairy value chain in the Eastern Africa region?
  2. What is the structure of the Eastern Africa regional dairy value chain; what architecture and key elements define and determine how the regional dairy sector is structured and linked up? What are the comparative advantages/disadvantages of the region, what complementarities/colluding factors do the Member States have, what constraints, challenges, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, gaps and threats does the region have, what are the trends over the last 15 – 20 years, and the emerging issues?
  3. What harmonized strategic approaches are needed to provide a medium term framework (5 years) that activates both country and regional levers to boost growth and competitiveness of the regional dairy value chain? What specific policy, public, formal and informal sector strategies are needed?
  4. What high impact and or catalytic actions and interventions would be necessary at country and at regional levels to upgrade and boost the functionality of the regional dairy value chain, for benefit of both the countries and regional economic bloc?

Lot 1 Consultancy Structure:

  • A region wide collaborative effort, with National Consultants from each EAC member state, coordinated by a Regional Consultant for a harmonized approach towards characterizing the nature of the regional dairy value chain and a strategy for growth and boosting competitiveness
  • Coordinated clarification and agreement on the interpretation of the Terms of reference, scope of work and timelines, methodology including approach and tools for collecting secondary and primary data and information (including baseline data), data analytical framework, consultative processes, report outlines and development, validation, finalization and development of policy briefs.
    Given the existence of a substantive number of dairy chain analysis study reports in the region, the preliminary focus will be review of relevant studies and data and identification of gaps where either additional analysis is needed, or further data gathering is warranted.

Lot 1 Tasks:

Tasks for the National Consultants:

  • Review of literature and secondary data to characterize the dairy value chain in each country: (status, evolution, trends and emergent issues and direction). This will include but not be limited to analysis of stakeholders and their interactions; consumption and demand analysis; supply chain analysis; Production systems and models, production and productivity potential; processing and value addition, commodity flows and margins across the whole value chain, marketing and trade analysis; the enabling environment including institutional actors and supporting organizations, regulatory and policy framework, infrastructure, and the evolution of the value chain i.e., what were the key drivers and upgrading interventions that brought positive change. Assessment of competitiveness measures including competitive access to capital, scale and utilization of processing capacity; alignment to food safety requirements, innovation and product development, capacity to supply quality milk, state of the distribution networks among others. Assessment of how covid-19 disrupted the sector, how it may have changed how business is done and what vulnerabilities, opportunities or gaps it exposed.
  • Determination if there is need for additional data, and or analysis and interpretation to better draw out the necessary information.
  • Where there are gaps, or a need for updated data, undertake Identification and filling of data and information gaps through additional analysis and or data and information collection through a mini-survey, key informant and focused group discussions.
  • An in-depth articulation of how the country dairy value chain is inextricably linked into the regional dairy value chain and the advantages, complementarities, challenges and barriers for strengthening the regional linkages. What are the critical challenges and constraints at country level and regional that limit capacity to benefit from the regional linkages?
  • Map the national priorities for how the regional dairy value chain should be strengthened: Consultations (key informant interviews and focused group discussions) to identify what the country considers as priority issues that need a coordinated and harmonized regional approach and strategies to address to enhance the growth and competitiveness of the Eastern Africa region dairy value chain
  • Development of a Country Action Plan for implementation of the Eastern Africa Regional Dairy Value Chain Growth and Competitiveness Strategy enhancing the growth and competitiveness of the Eastern Africa region dairy value chain
  • Participate in the regional consultation to validate the value chain analysis, the country priorities for the regional Strategy; the Regional Strategy for Enhancing the Growth and Competitiveness of the Eastern Africa region Dairy Value Chain
  • Integrate the feedback to refine and finalize the value chain analysis, the country priorities for the regional strategy and the Country Action Plan to implement the Regional Strategy for Enhancing the Growth and Competitiveness of the Eastern Africa region Dairy Value Chain
  • Country Policy brief on priorities on the status of the dairy value chain, the interlinkage with the region, the value of a better integrated regional dairy value chain, the priorities for the regional strategy, and the key actions to take at country and regional level to implement the Regional Strategy
    Tasks for the Regional Consultant:
  • The Regional Consultant will undertake an in-depth literature review of all existing dairy value chain studies conducted in the last decade and consolidate and compile a report on the regional dairy value chain in the Eastern Africa region. This will include but not be limited to a definition of the over-arching structure and scope of the regional dairy value chain in the region, and analysis of how it is interlinked and the level of integrated in the region, and an in-depth description of the elements of the regional dairy value chain. The analysis will capture the regional comparative advantages and country complementarities, organization of actors, models and dynamics of investment, production, supply, processing and value addition, distribution, markets and marketing, food systems, trade, institutional and governance structures, policy and regulatory frameworks, access to information and data, linkage to overarching continental and regional policies, regional cooperation, preparedness for AfCFTA, best practice and lessons.
  • Where there are gaps, or a need for updated data, undertake Identification and filling of data and information gaps through additional analysis and or data and information collection through a mini-survey, key informant and focused group discussions.
  • Formulation of a five year Regional Strategy and Action Plan to boost growth and competitiveness of the Eastern Africa regional dairy value chain that sets out a shared regional vision for the development of the regional dairy value chain, based on a common understanding of development and business challenges, comparative advantages, and opportunities. Proffers strategic options that build on comparative advantages and complementarities, activate stronger regional levers to harness regional advantages, and coordinate and harmonize actions to address constraints. Specifying public sector, private sector, informal sector and other stakeholder strategies.
  • Lead the regional consultation to validate the value chain analysis, harmonization of the country and regional priorities for the regional Strategy; the Regional Strategy for Enhancing the Growth and Competitiveness of the Eastern Africa region Dairy Value Chain, and the Action Plans.
  • Integrate the feedback to refine and finalize the regional value chain analysis, the regional strategy and the Regional Action Plan.
  • Development of a regional Policy brief.

Lot 1 Expected Outputs

  • Updated national dairy value chain characterization in each EAC Member State
  • Updated regional dairy value chain characterization
  • Reports on the country regional priorities for development of the Regional Strategy for Growth and Competitiveness of the East African Regional Dairy Value Chain
  • The Regional Strategy for Growth and Competitiveness of the East African Regional Dairy Value Chain
  • Regional and country Action Plans for implementing the Regional Strategy
  • A regional and national policy briefs

Lot 2: Consultancy Firm to Support the Inaugural Virtual African Dairy Association Conference and Exhibition

Specific Objective

Support the East and Southern Africa Diary Association (ESADA) to prepare and conduct an online virtual African Dairy Association and Conference. The African Dairy Conference and Exhibition is the largest and the most comprehensive convergence of dairy stakeholders in Africa, organized by the Eastern and Southern African Dairy association (ESADA). The annual event, which has been held for 15 years, has not only transformed the regional dairy sector but also contributed to the improvement of the livelihoods of many actors across the dairy value chain.

Lot 2 Tasks

  • In cooperation with ESADA, AU-IBAR and dairy sector actors, conceptualize the three day virtual event, identifying a suitable virtual conferencing and exhibition digital platform to conduct the AfDA Conference and exhibition maintain the core objectives and values of the event including: a platform to highlight investment and trade opportunities in the dairy sector in Africa; a platform to better position and attract support for the dairy industry, highlighting its importance from farm to table and promoting consumption of dairy products; a platform for the African and global dairy community to discuss and recommend solutions to policy, regulatory and industry bottlenecks that impede trade in dairy products; a platform for providers of dairy technologies, services and industry suppliers to showcase their products for benchmarking and trade; and a platform for exhibition of new technologies and innovations to enhance efficiency and quality, technology transfer, knowledge sharing, networking and capacity building;
  • Develop and manage an event operational plan to include the high level opening and closing Events, conference sessions, discussion forums, a virtual exhibition, a networking lounge, capacity building sessions, and virtual field visits
  • Develop and manage a platform for recruitment of at least 1500 virtual exhibitors and development of the exhibition catalogue
  • Develop the digital promotion and visibility platforms with branding to attract high interest and participation in the virtual event aiming at over 5000 participants from across Africa and globally
  • Provide services to manage the preparatory activities and the actual event for a seamless and quality delivery of the AfDA Conference and Exhibition
  • Document and report on the processes, events and outcomes of the inaugural virtual AfDA Conference and Exhibition

Lot 2 Expected Outputs

  • A well conceptualized and innovative Concept for the inaugural virtual AfDA Conference and Exhibition aligned to objectives and values of the AfDA
  • A digital platform and technical support to fully organize and manage the preparations and logistics and operations of the inaugural virtual AfDA Conference and Exhibition
  • A seamlessly delivered high quality virtual inaugural AfDA Conference and Exhibition with at least 1500 exhibitors and 5000 participants
  • A well-documented Report of the conceptualization and preparation processes and the delivery of the AfDA Conference and Exhibition highlighting achievements/best practices and challenges/lessons learned and providing key recommendations

Lot 3: Consultancy Firm: Capacity Building of Members of the African Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness Network East Africa in Investment and Trade Readiness

Lot 3: Specific Objectives

  • To support the institutionalization of AWARFA-N in Eastern Africa as functional agribusiness, investment and trade networks at regional and country levels
  • To provide technical support and mentoring to build the capacity of AWARFA networks in the areas of investment and trade readiness

Lot 3: Tasks

  • Building on the assessments conducted in 2019, deepen analysis and profiling of AWARFA networks in the Eastern Africa region and countries specifying needs and gaps, and approaches to capacity development
  • Develop/finalize the AWARFA-N EA Regional Statutes
  • Develop/finalize the AWARFA-N EA five year Regional Strategic and Business Plan with a strong orientation towards attracting increased investment finance and supporting enhanced capacity to trade
  • Support for the establishment of the 11 national chapters: preparation of national statutes, national one year Action and Business Plans and Membership mobilization strategy, and resource mobilization strategy
  • Development of a capacity building plan for the region and the 11 national chapters
  • Develop online modules for progressive development of capacity for attracting and utilization of investment finance for enterprise development and trade capacity
  • Develop modules for Training of Trainers capacitation and for tracking progress of participants for the development of capacity to attract and utilize investment finance

Lot 3: Expected Outputs

  • Profiles of AWARFA-N networks in the Eastern Africa region
  • AWARFA-N EA Regional and National Statutes
  • AWARFA-N EA five year Regional Strategic and Business Plan for Enhancing Capacities for Investment and Trade among Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness
  • AWARFA-N EA Regional Action Plan, and Membership Mobilization Plan
  • Eleven national AWARFA Networks established with a legal status, Membership, and one year action and business plans
  • Capacity building regional and national plans for AWARFA-N EA
  • On-line TOT capacity building and progress tracking modules, and online modules for progressive development of capacity to attract and utilize investment finance for enterprise development and trade

Lot 4: Consultancy Firms Development of the Inaugural Africa Dairy Outlook Magazine for Publication

Lot 4: Specific Objectives

To develop the inaugural African Diary Industry Outlook Magazine to showcase the status of the dairy industry on the African continent for enhanced visibility, policy advocacy and investment. The Magazine will be present an authoritative status and outlook of the sector, providing critical and strategic information, highlighting the contribution of the African diary sector to GDP’s, CAADP Malabo targets, employment especially of women and youth; climate change, resilience and adaptation and other critical issues. It will also offer stakeholders an opportunity to share on-going Projects, good dairying practices, new research and innovations, technological advances, investment opportunities and more.

Lot 4: Tasks

  • In consultation with AU-IBAR and ESADA and selected sector actors, agree, clarify and define the scope and structure of the annual Outlook Magazine
  • Develop a data collection tool in alignment with the objectives, scope and structure of the magazine to be administered to Member States, RECs, dairy cooperatives and associations, leading private sector and other key stakeholders across the continent
  • Gather, consolidate and analyze all data received for the development of draft inaugural African Dairy Industry Outlook and compile and analyze the data, extract information, develop strong informative graphics and articulate the key issues, trends and messages
  • Prepare a draft outlook for presentation to industry stakeholders for validation and review
  • Development of final draft of African Dairy Industry Outlook in a highly attractive and marketable physical and online formats for target audiences
  • Development of a Policy Brief and communication materials for disseminating the Africa Dairy Outlook Magazine
  • Presentation of outlook at the 16th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition

Lot 4: Expected Outputs

  • Inception Report and dummy of the expected final publication
  • Data Collection Tools and Templates
  • Draft Outlook for validation
  • Final Outlook for publication in highly attractive physical and online formats
  • Policy brief and communication and dissemination materials

Consultancy Modalities

The consultancies will be home based with Consultants expected to access literature, conduct mini-surveys or administer other data and information collection tools and correspond with AU-IBAR, Member States, RECs and other stakeholders mostly electronically. Where necessary, and with written approval from AU-IBAR Consultants will conduct practical activities within their home countries and the region. The Consultants are expected to attend/lead (as specified in the Specific Objectives) Expert Write Shop/Trainings/and validation Workshop which will be held virtually. Physical meetings must be with written approval from AU-IBAR.

Duration of the Assignments and Duty Station

Activities under each lot should be conducted for a period of no more than 30 (thirty) working days spread over a maximum of 70 days, concluding no later than 30th March 2021. The Consultants/Consultancy Firms are expected to provide a roadmap in their proposal. The assignment will start immediately after signature of the contract by both parties.

LOT 1: Requirements for individual Consultant

Academic Qualifications and Expertise

The Consultant should have the following expertise:

  • Individual Consultants should hold a relevant advanced University degree Masters or Doctorate in Animal Science, Agricultural Sciences, Public Policy, Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Development, Development Communication, or Information and Communication Technologies. Consultancy Firms should be able to demonstrate a combination of advanced degrees that are relevant to the Lot.
  • An advantage will be experience and expertise in livestock production systems and value chain development, agribusiness and trade development, policy and development issues, development communication and knowledge management on the African continent, providing virtual platforms for the agribusiness or other business sector, as relevant to the Lot
  • Proven record of familiarity with and providing support relevant to the scope of the Consultancy under each Lot
  • Excellent drafting and Technical Report writing skills

Experience and Core Competencies

  • The Individual Consultant for Lot 1 will have at least 15 years leading strategic processes in a field relevant to the Consultancy, with experience in the livestock/animal resources sector an added advantage.
  • Native or bilingual level proficiency (verbal and written) English is essential. Knowledge of a second African Union official language (French, Arabic or Portuguese) is desirable.

LOT2, LOT3 and LOT 4: Requirements for a Firm or Consortium

  • Legal/ statutory Documents (like certificate of incorporation, Tax compliance certificate) for the Firm/ Firm leading the Consortium
  • Firm’s Experience at least 15 years relevant experience related to the field: as indicated below but not limited to:

    1. Lot 2: Demonstrated capacity to provide or utilize a virtual platform to deliver a high level/ regional or continental Conference and exhibition
    2. Lot 3: Demonstrated capacity to support women in agribusiness and their associations develop institutional capacity and investment and trade readiness
    3. Lot 4: Demonstrated Capacity in developing and producing a high quality continental or regional outlook or status magazine based on strong data gathering, compilation, analysis and articulation of key issues, trends and messages, and delivered in attractive physical and online formats
  • Qualification of Key Staff:

    1. a relevant advanced University degree Masters or Doctorate in Animal Science, Agricultural Sciences, Public Policy, Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Development, Development Communication, or Information and Communication Technologies.
    2. At least 15 years leading strategic processes in a field relevant to the Consultancy, with experience in the livestock/animal resources sector an added advantage.

For Both Individuals and Firms or Consortiums, the following apply:

  1. expertise in livestock production systems and value chain development, agribusiness and trade development, policy and development issues, development communication and knowledge management on the African continent, providing virtual platforms for the agribusiness or other business sector, as relevant to the Lot
  2. Proven record of familiarity with and providing support relevant to the scope of the Consultancy under each Lot
  3. Excellent drafting and Technical Report writing skills
  4. Native or bilingual level proficiency (verbal and written) English is essential. Knowledge of a second African Union official language (French, Arabic or Portuguese) is desirable.

Medical Cover

The consultant/Firm will be responsible for his/her medical and life cover during the assignment.

Gender Mainstreaming

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.


Each Lot attracts a maximum payment as outlined below.

Lot Maximum Budget

Lot 1: Value Chain Analysis and Formulation of a Strategy and Action Plans for Development of the Eastern Africa - Regional Dairy Value ChainRegional Consultant for USD Six Thousand ($6000)
National Consultants from Member States in the EAC Region: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Each of the National Consultants USD Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4,500)

Lot 2: Consultancy Firm to Support the Inaugural Virtual African Dairy Association Conference and Exhibition 2021 - One successful proposal will be funded for a maximum of USD Fifteen Thousand ($ 15,000)

Lot 3: Capacity Building of Members of the African Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness Network East Africa in Investment and Trade Readiness - One successful proposal will be funded for a
maximum of USD Fifteen Thousand ($ 15,000)

Lot 4: Development of the Inaugural Africa Dairy Outlook Magazine for publication - One successful proposal will be funded for a maximum of USD Fifteen Thousand ($ 15,000)

The payment will be in two phases. The first payment (25%) will be made upon receipt of a satisfactory Inception Report. The second payment (75%) will be made upon satisfactory execution of the of the assignment and the approval of outputs by AU-IBAR. This consultancy assignment does not carry any expectation of employment, extension or conversion to another type of contract with AU-IBAR.

Costs of Electronic Communication in the Course of Undertaking the Consultancy: All costs related to internet/phone or other electronic means that the Consultant may use to collect the necessary information/ conduct interviews, or undertake any other tasks related to the Consultancy are consolidated within the payment for this Consultancy, and must be bore fully by the Consultant


The successful consultant will work under the supervision of the Director AU-IBAR and the Project Office Live2Africa Project, and where relevant in coordination with ESADA.

Application Instructions

Applicants are required to include a separate Technical Proposal for each Lot applied for.

The Technical Proposal should include, but not be limited to the interpretation of the TORs, the approach to the assignment, the proposed methodology and work plan, an outline of the Report content page where relevant, a clear timeframe to carry out the assignment, a budget breakdown where relevant, web links to past similar assignments where relevant, and three references for similar assignments undertaken with email and phone contacts.

Financial Proposal: should be submitted with budget details in alignment with the maximum budget indicated above for each Lot.

Technical Scoring

The evaluation of the Minimum Academic Qualifications and Expertise, Experience and Core Competencies and the Technical Proposal will be used to weigh the quality of the Application.

How to apply:

How to Submit Applications

Consultants may apply for one or more Lots, but will be required to prepare separate bids for each Lot.

The Technical and Financial proposal, including all supporting documentation should be no longer than 8 A4 pages in length, and should be emailed as a single document to:

procurement@au-ibar.org, with a copy to Khalid.seid@au-ibar.org, and alexander.eyong@au-ibar.org by no later than 12.00 noon East African Time on 11thDecember, 2020.

Specific questions not answered in this call may be emailed to: procurement@au-ibar.org not later than 4th December 2020.

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